Fairmat Academic 1.3.2   -   August 30, 2012

Fairmat Academic 1.3.2 is a bug fixing and improvements release for Fairmat Academic 1.3.0 and Fairmat Academic 1.3.1.

Improvements and new features

-Sensitivity and impact analyses can be applied also on functions: in this case the functions will be translated by constant amounts. The feature is very handy when it is necessary to perform stress tests on discounting curves or other non scalar objects.

-Implementation of first and second order partial derivatives operators. Now it is possible to calculates partial derivatives of user defined functions: for example in order to calculate the fist derivative of the function f in the point .5 it is possible to write partial(@f ; .5).

-Usability improvements: simplification of constants and functions editing forms, categorization of stochastic processes.

-Plug-in robustness: improved behavior of the system in the presence of outdated or plug-ins.


-Fixed a regression (introduced in version 1.3.1) which prevented editing of constants on Ubuntu.

-Fixed a regression (introduced in version 1.3.1) which prevented the capability of executing valuations.

-Fixed a packing problem on Mac OS X.