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Fairmat Example

Standard Floors: Floor Knock-In

An Interest Rate Floor written on a short-term interbank rate (e.g. EUR Euribor 6 Months) with a knock-in option. In detail a knock-in option under a trigger clause is an option contract in which the option holder receives an option conditional on the underlying rate breaching a certain trigger level (also called barrier level).

Tags: Floors
Fairmat Example

Standard Floor: Floor Knock-Out

An Interest Rate Floor written on a short-term interbank rate (e.g. EUR Euribor 6 Months) with a knock-out option. In detail a knock-in option under a trigger clause is an option contract in which the option holder receives an option conditional on the underlying rate breaching a certain trigger level (also called barrier level).

Tags: Floors
Fairmat Example

Standard Collars

An Interest Rate Collar is an instrument created to guarantee that the interest rate on the underlying floating rate always lies between a ceiling and a floor. It is a combination of a long position in a cap and a short position in a floor.

Tags: Collars
Fairmat Example

Custom Derivatives Products: Variable Protected Differential IRS

Variable Protected Differential IRS exchanges periodically two floating interest payments indexed to the 6-Months Euribor.

Fairmat Example

Custom Derivatives Products: Range Accrual Interest Rate Swap

Range Accrual Interest Rate Swap is characterized by a Range Accrual clause on Party B floating payment.

Fairmat Example

Custom Derivatives Products: Collar Interest Rate Swap

Collar Interest Rate Swap is characterized, for Party A, by an outflow indexed to a short term rate (e.g. EUR 3-Months Euribor) plus a fixed component (spread) whose fluctuation is bounded within a minimum and maximum rate.

Fairmat Example

Custom Derivatives Products: Path Dependent Interest Rate Swap

Path Dependent Interest Rate Swap is characterized, for Party A, by a path dependent option, an option whose value depends on the time sequence of values of the underlying rather than just its final value.

Fairmat Example

Custom Derivatives Products: Sunrise Swap

Sunrise Swap is characterized, for Party A, by alternative scenarios that depends on the short term rate (e.g. EUR 3-Months Euribor).


Tutorial #1: Calculate the spot price given the forward price

This tutorial shows how to use Fairmat Academic for Discounting a payoff. In particular how to calculate the spot price given the forward price.


Tutorial #2: Interest Rate Swap Modeling with Fairmat

This tutorial shows how to use Fairmat Academic for Interest Rate Swap (IRS) modelling, following John C. Hull "Options, futures and other derivatives" [Chapter 6, 5th Edition]. In particular how to calculate the convenience of an IRS, how to handle day conventions, how to calculate the expected value of a SWAP.