
Release of Fairmat Academic 1.0 RC

Fairmat Academic 1.0 RC released: This version contains a lot of new features and improvements with respect to the beta 2 version. New features include a revised plug-in system, an integrated calibration system and the possibility of modeling option-specific discounting. For more details see the release notes.


Fairmat Academic Beta 2 Available for Download!

Fairmat Academic 1.0 Beta 2 is available for download. This version contains lots of new features and fixes. See the release notes.


Fairmat SRL and Lehman Brothers

Fairmat SRL is now a technical advisor to Lehman Brothers (under Chapter 11 reorganization) in litigations on financial derivatives transactions.


New Partnership for Fairmat SRL

Fairmat entered into a Partnership with Canonical Software who is committed to officially supporting Fairmat Academic for Ubuntu Linux.


Fairmat SRL and Sigla SRL

Fairmat has been engaged by Sigla SRL to assess the appropriateness of interest and other expenses they charge on loans, in compliance with Italian anti-usury law, and to test their hedging policies for derivatives transaction according to IAS 39.


Fairmat Interest Rate Modelling

Fairmat has engineered and published on the Fairmat website the "Pelsser" Squared Gaussian model for interest rate modelling.  The squared Gaussian is a no-arbitrage model, so it can be fitted to the initial term-structure of interest rates. The plug-in allows the user to employ this model for simulation and to calibrate it to cap prices (see plugins area on Fairmat website)


New Open-Source Plug-In for Fairmat

Fairmat has created and published on the Fairmat website the “Lattice” open-source plug-in. The plug-in has mainly a didactical aim, and enables Fairmat to price options by using binomial lattices. (Download Lattice plug-in on Fairmat website)


Fairmat Server Licence

Cattolica Information Technology Service has bought an annual license of Fairmat Server.


Fairmat Update!

Fairmat has been updated to support Kubuntu and Mandriva Linux distributions.


Fairmat Developing New Analysis Tool

Fairmat is developing an analysis tool for Cattolica Assicurazioni to meet the Consob requirements described in "Quaderni di Fainanza N.63, A quantitative risk-based approach to the transparency on non-equity investment products", and the "Comunicazione n.DIN/DSE/9025454 of 24-03-2009".